This Body Is Mine

This body is mine! 
It’s not perfect, but it carried my beautiful daughter ❤️ it’s carried me through sickness, heartbreak, and so much joy! 

I am proud of it! 

Sadly that wasn’t always the case…

I used to look at my body with disgust and hate. At one time, I was too skinny and I had NO boobs. Then my metabolism seemingly dissipated and I put on weight, then I was fat. No matter what “size” or “weight” I was it was never good enough. 

I have such heartache when I think back to how I used to treat myself and how negatively I viewed my body. For I still remember those days all too well; I felt ashamed, hopeless, gross inside and out, and so so depressed. 

I share this because I KNOW I’m not alone. Sadly, there are people all over the world who feel like this and are ashamed and hopeless. I want you to know that even if you can’t see it today… You are beautiful! You are worthy of being loved! 

“You ARE beautiful; You are fearfully and wonderfully made” Psalm 139:1


Life is not a competition. You are not on parallel journeys. Your life, your journey is just that YOURS. Embrace your journey!

We all have trials we go through that we HAVE to go through to grow as people. Just because it looks like they are “ahead” or “have it together” more than you, does not mean that’s indeed the case. As people we tend to be very private about the negative, we try to hide the bad stuff for fear of being viewed as “weak”. So chances are you aren’t seeing the whole picture. 
Embrace your mistakes, they are how you will learn and grow. Don’t hide them away.

If Thomas Edison had given up the first time he failed (or even after he failed a thousand times), he would’ve never discovered the way to make a successful light bulb. 

You’ve got this!

I’m not down for the count! 💪

I’ve always believed right before something amazing is about to happen, is when Satan tries to bring us down the most. He knows the greatness God has in store for us, but he is also well aware of his power to trip us up and get us off course. 
My amazing team and I have been working so hard these past couple of months to truly grow our businesses. This month already has been huge & I know there’s so much more in store. So of course this weekend I faced a lot of inner turmoil and adversity. From the negative comments, to the negative posts targeting small business owners like myself… My motivation definitely took a hit. I lost focus and I chose to let those things get to me. 

Watching this beautiful little girl of mine dance around with her teddy bear last night, that was all that I needed to be reminded of my WHY. Moments like that & knowing that I can help other parents enjoy more of those same moments with their babies. THAT is why I do what I do. It’s for my daughter, it’s for my husband, it’s for my team and their families, for my amazing customers, and for the thousands of people my team and I will be able to help in the future. 

These special moments and those amazing people are my why. And They are worth far more to me than any negativity Satan could throw at me. So while I may have gotten knocked down- I’m getting back up and am ready to fight back harder than ever. Let’s make today be the best Monday ever 💕


Your Story Matters

So I started this blog in order to share my story and my day to day struggles with add/anxiety/and depression. I’ve realized I am terrible at writing on a regular basis, BUT I make training videos constantly for my team so I’m going to start doing more Vlogs. 

I hear all the time that people are so scared to share their whys and their stories for fear of judgement. They don’t view their story as being anything special because I’m their humble minds they haven’t done anything that remarkable that they view as being inspiring. As someone who has struggled with self esteem, depression, and anxiety for years, let me be the first to tell you. Your story matters. Check out my video here.

Have an amazing week!!! 

God Bless you all,


My Why

This pretty girl is my amazing WHY!! Before I even conceived her, I knew I wanted to be able to stay at home with my future babies. I went into real estate thinking that was the perfect solution! I would’ve done great except I allowed my social anxiety to control me and keep me from doing what I knew I had to do to build my business. Turns out that was a blessing in disguise though, because that career wouldn’t have allowed me to be the stay at home/ hands-on work from home mom I dreamed of being.

As I approached my due date with this beautiful little girl, my friend Sam started posting and annoying me daily with her posts about this crazy wrap thing. Oh man was I such a skeptic y’all! Totally wrote off the product for months! But then she started posting about the Stretchmark cream she sold… And I slowly grew interested. Then I got really frustrated because I couldn’t afford to buy it. A year into my “new career” and we were more broke than ever! I was quickly realizing maybe this dream career I had in my head, wasn’t really what I thought it would be so I agreed to meet with Sam so she could show me exactly how she runs her business from her phone. 
My hope was to bring in an extra $300/month to pay for my real estate expenses (I wasn’t quite willing to give up on that yet 😂); but I also really wanted the $120 product credit so I could get that Stretchmark cream! So we met and suddenly a light bulb went off, and my fear was GONE. I seriously felt God urging me that I HAD to do this. I didn’t know why, I had no previous interest in health & wellness, no experience using the products; but I KNEW I had to do this. 
I can’t even explain to you how thankful I am for this business, my amazing team, and these products. Not only have I surpassed my $300/month goal, but I have started healing old wounds, taken back control from my depression and anxiety, started conquering my health goals, made AMAZING friends, and gotten to ✔️ off all of the things on my “dream job” checklist.

✔️ Freedom of time

✔️ Ability to be at home with my daughter while working

✔️ Be able to impact the lives of others positively 
My dreams have grown so much bigger since that day! What started as a goal to bring home $300/month has grown into bringing home $20,000/month by years end. $35,000/month by the end of 2017. I now know how I’m going to be able to be able to buy our dream home, start my investment property portfolio, have the funds necessary for fostering and adopting children, and be able to take our amazing family on global adventures. Most people would stop themselves from dreaming that BIG, but when you are in charge of your future, you begin to understand that no dream is too big ❤️. 

My Journey to Conquer ADD+Depression+Anxiety

Many wonder why I didn’t stick with real estate… Especially after taking such a BIG risk and leaving my full time job to pursue it. The simple truth? My anxiety & depression. 
I let them ruin what could have, should have, been an amazing opportunity for me. My anxiety caused me to be so afraid of doing the cold calls crucial to building my business that I’d have panic attacks picking up the phone. My depression had me in such a slump that I couldn’t focus on doing what needed to be done, constantly made excuses, and just wanted to spend all my time sleeping. I made so many empty promises to myself about getting stuff done, came up with 100 other things of higher priority every time I had to do something, and I never ever held myself accountable. Finally I just gave up and told myself there was no way I could ever be successful. 

In October 2014, I decided to start my own ItWorks business. While I started strong, halfway through 2015 I began to notice the same actions that held me back with real estate reoccurring AGAIN. I am my own worst enemy sometimes, because I allowed myself to sit there in denial for the next 5-6 months about it. I knew why my business wasn’t growing, knew exactly what I needed to be doing, but couldn’t find the motivation to just get it done. I started making excuses again. December that all changed, it was Christmas, and I received the lowest paycheck since my first paycheck with the company. THAT was my wake up call! 

 Instead of quitting, like I have MY ENTIRE LIFE, I decided to fix it. I know my potential for greatness and I’m sick of not living up to it. I’m tired of knowing I could be doing so much more to help people but I can’t because I’m too busy distracting myself with trivial things to keep myself from doing the stuff that scares me. I’ve done so much in this past year while I was taking it easy, so I can only imagine the greatness I could accomplish by going all in. 

I’m so lucky to have the family, teammates, and leaders there to guide me, push me, and support me. I constantly tell my team not to compare themselves to other people because each of us has our own journeys to follow. I had to go through the struggles I did to grow into the person I am now. And I still have growing to do in order to grow into the person I truly want to be, but life’s a journey and every day I am learning and growing. Dreams I am coming for you, it doesn’t matter how long it takes… I WILL conquer you 💪

That said… I am claiming it now I will be Triple Diamond in 2016! 

Why ItWorks? My Journey From A Confused Dreamer To A Confident Work at Home Mama!

Growing up I always dreamed of being a work from home mom. I wanted to be with my kids 24/7 but also dreamed of having a career that allowed me to…

  • feel fulfilled,
  • utilize my creative mind,
  • give me freedrom with my time,
  • and make a difference in other people’s lives.

I bounced from idea to idea, Actress… architecture… accountant… realtor. All of them ticked off one box or another. But ALL failed to allow me to do the ONE thing that mattered the most… being home with my kids.
Continue reading “Why ItWorks? My Journey From A Confused Dreamer To A Confident Work at Home Mama!”